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​​friends of Embark​, is a non profit organisation, established as a Charitable Trust in 2012.


The Trust's objectives are:-

  • The relief of those in need by reason of disability.
  • Specifically, to provide quality, secure, stable and well maintained housing, to adults with learning difficulties and disability, within the geographical area of West Sussex.
  • To provide such housing at reasonable cost, at market rates or lower, on a long term basis and to be an understanding landlord to meet the needs of such adults with learning difficulties and disabilities.

The Trust was established and is currently managed by the following trustees.

Mike Jennings (Chairman)



Siobhan Farrell (Secretary)



Jan Jennings (acting Treasurer)



friends of EMBARK, established in 2012 as a charitable trust, became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered with the Charity Commission on 28th June 2016​.

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Copyright 2012

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